This increases the efficiency of sending price quotations to customer dramatically and increases customer conversion ratio. Sparrow solves this problem by providing innovative tools that reduces this process time from days to minutes. This whole process can take several hours to several days depend on how fast your can process the BoM and get the component prices.
That becomes the first part of job quotation, the second part is to calculate assembly process cost, which usually is straightforward and fast based on some inputs. Once the entire BoM is complete with MPNs, then price check and market availability check needs to be done, usually by sending inquiries to multiple suppliers and selecting appropriate supplier after receiving quotation. One of the first activity is to analyse the BoM with CPL and making sure that either components Manufacturing Part Numbers (MPNs) are mentioned or not if not then based on description matching component should be suggested. Usually main input from customer to start EMS process is usually set of BoM, CPL and Board design (in Gerber or other formats).
Bill of Material (BoM) and Component Placement List (CPL)